Vertical Blinds Light Filter

SKU: J0009 Category:
  • Our light filter vertical blinds are perfect for when you need to alleviate the harshness of the sun, but still want light to brighten your space.

Athena Airforceblue, Athena Camel, Athena Dune, Athena Pink Wine, Athena Quiet Beige, Athena Taupe, Mexico V101, Mexico VT11, Mexico VT21, Mexico VT41, Mexico VT61, Mexico VT81, Mexico VT91, Mexico W1, Mexico W17, Mexico W2, Mexico W3, Mexico W5, Mexico W9, Plain Beige, Plain Brown, Plain Burgundy, Plain Fawn, Plain Green, Plain Grey, Plain Ivory, Plain Navy, Polka Beige, Polka Blue, Polka Brown, Polka Grey, Polka Ivory, Polka Navy, Rye Beige, Rye Grey, Shantung Cream, Shantung Grey, Shantung Straw, Solid Black, Solid Burgundy, Solid Navy, Solid Royal Blue, Solid White, Wither Ash, Wither Beige, Wither Blonde


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